Sunday, 28 September 2014

The Beach and St. Martin

Thursday 25th September
Woke up at eight, up by quarter past. It was a lovely morning, with blue skies and no wind. I got the wifi going on the computer, found nothing of real interest whilst drinking my coffee, and so went for a shower. Came back and washed the towels. They seem likely to dry on a day like today.

We decide to go to the beach this morning, as it’s such a good day. We pack a few things and head off. The sun is warm. We set up and go to explore the rock pools that have been exposed by the falling tide. Lots and lots of hermit crabs, all scrabbling about. A few darting fish. We come across something on the sand between rock pools, covered in flies. It looks like a large slug – about 15cm across, and moving as a slug or snail would move its head – but obviously damaged. Parts of its insides are exposed. The flies are everywhere. I go to find something to put it back in the water with. I find a plastic pole thing and manage to roll the creature into a close by pool with a largish rock in it. It moves beneath the rock, looking for shadow I suppose. At least it is free of the flies now.

(Addendum to this - I looked up about what this this could be when I returned to the UK, and believe that it could have been what is commonly known as a 'Sea Hare').

We walk about and collect driftwood. I find some more plastic poles and collect them to take back to dispose of. We return to our spot on the beach and sunbathe for a few hours. I listen to ‘The Maltese Falcon’. After a while I go and take some pictures, and then we have Orangina and some cakes, before sunbathing again.

Back to the van for lunch about two thirty, and then off on the bikes to Saint Martin. Cycle track all the way – so that’s good. We get to the town and ride about, remembering the last time we were there. A double boule of artisanal ice cream goes down well, some pictures of donkeys, and it’s time for the return journey. After putting the bikes away we sit in the sun with drinks and snacks enjoying the dying rays.

I prepare steak, potatoes and salad for the meal. K has a shower and we eat. K washes up whilst I go and take some pictures on the beach – it’s a good sunset tonight. I update my log, and then we watch some more Star Trek before retiring to bed. Moving on to Saumur tomorrow.

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