Been having a few problems here. First, the SD card on my phone packed in - meaning that I lost some photos and all the music, videos and books that I had brought with me!
Then the SD card on my camera became unreadable - with a lot of pictures on it.
I have, of course, been backing up the photos etc. But I have lost a few, and it's annoying.
Now using K's tablet to write so may be able to include a few pictures.
This is going to be a potted history of what we have been doing in the South Island so far. We arrived in Picton on the 23rd and collected the van - it's a Toyota Estima which has been converted it has a large double bed and a tailgate that lifts to reveal an electric cool box and a place to put the double ring gas cooker. It also has a large water bottle and a cupboard for all the pots, pans and plates etc. The side door makes access easy and the conversion allows for our suitcases to be easily stored also. It's an automatic with a column change, so driving it is easy.
We tried the included sat navigation - but it was not working properly. We headed to a local holiday park to stay the night - as already mentioned. The park and its facilities were fine, but the noisy crickets in the trees were amazingly loud when the van doors were open
I suppose that this blog is again living up to it's name in that we now have a motor home of sorts....
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